


19 October 2025, .au: Bay to Birdwood, SA [www].


9-14 September 2025: IAA Mobility show, Munich [www].


24-31 August 2025, .au: World Solar Challenge Darwin-Adelaide [www].


16-22 June 2025, .fr: Paris Air Show [www].

3-5 June 2025, .uk: London Concours [www].


25 April 2025: Anzac Day.


25-30 March 2025, .au: Airshow 2025, Avalon, Geelong, Vic., public 28-30 March [www].

10 March 2025 (Mon.): Labour Day, Vic..
8-10 March 2025: Steamfest, National Steam Centre, Scoresby, Melbourne, Vic. [www].
7-10 March 2025 (Fri-Mon): Port Fairy Folk Festival [www].

26 January 2025: Australia Day.

10-20 January 2025: Detroit Auto Show (NAIAS) [www] (8th media, 9th industry, 10th charity, 11-20 public).

9-12 January 2025, .uk: Autosport International, NEC, Birmingham (9-10 trade only) [www].

7-10 January 2025: Consumer Electronics Show (CES) (& media 5th & 6th) Las Vegas [www].

2-5 January 2025 (Thu-Sun): Summernats Canberra, ACT [www].


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