Special Characters in HTML

html code character(s) description
" “ ” ‘ ’ (',")" “ ” ‘ ’ (',")quotes, left right double quotes, left right single quote (v. ascii ' and ")
& & ampersand
° ° degrees, e.g., 37°
§ § section
† dagger
• •bullet
¡ ¡ inverted !
¿ ¿ inverted ?
© © copyright
® ® registered trademark
£ £ pound sterling, currency
€ euro
¢ ¢ cents, crossed c
¥ ¥ yen sign, crossed Y
′ ″ ′ ″ prime, double prime (v. ascii ' and ")
· ⋅ · ⋅ middle dot f·g; sdot f⋅g
← ↑ ↓ → ↔ ← ↑ ↓ → ↔ left-, up-, down-, right-, left-right-arrow
⇐ ⇑ ⇓ ⇒ ⇔ ⇐ ⇑ ⇓ ⇒ ⇔ left-, up-, down-, right-, left-right- double-arrow (implies)
⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩ left-, right-angle bracket
⌈ ⌉ ⌊ ⌋ ⌈ ⌉ ⌊ ⌋ left/right ceiling/floor
± ± plus or minus
× × multiplication sign
÷ ÷ division
⊕ ⊗ ⊕ ⊗ circled plus and times
ℜ ℑ ℘ ℜ ℑ ℘ real (script R), imaginary (script I) parts, power set (script P)
&lt; &le; &gt; &ge; = &ne; < ≤ > ≥ = ≠ less/greater than/ or equal, (not) equal
&not; ¬ not
&and; &or; ∧ ∨ logical and, or
&exist; &forall; ∃ ∀ there exists, for all
&there4; therefore
&perp; perpendicular (bottom)
&sum; sum (see Sigma)
&prod; product (see Pi)
&int; integral sign
&part; partial differential
&infin; infinity oo
&alefsym; alef symbol
&radic; √2square root, sqrt sign, radical
&Delta; Δ Delta
&nabla; nabla, del, gradient
&cap; &cup; ∩ ∪ intersection, union
&isin; &notin; &ni; ∈ ∉ ∋ member (is in), not a member, contains (see epsilon)
&sub; &sube; &sup; &supe; ⊂ ⊆ ⊃ ⊇ subset and superset, or equal
&nsub; not a subset of
&empty; empty set
&equiv; equivalent to
&asymp; approx equal to
&sim; similar to, varies with, tilde (~)
&prop; proportional to
&cong; congruent to
&oline; x‾yover-line (c.f. using css)
&Alpha; &alpha; Α α alpha
&Beta; &beta; Β β beta
&Gamma; &gamma; Γ γ gamma
&Delta; &delta; Δ δ delta
&Epsilon; &epsilon; Ε ε epsilon (see isin, member)
&Zeta; &zeta; Ζ ζ zeta
&Eta; &eta; Η η eta
&Theta; &theta; Θ θ theta
&Iota; &iota; Ι ι iota
&Kappa; &kappa; Κ κ kappa
&Lambda; &lambda; Λ λ lambda
&Mu; &mu; Μ μ mu
&Nu; &nu; Ν ν nu
&Xi; &xi; Ξ ξ xi
&Omicron; &omicron; Ο ο omicron
&Pi; &pi; Π π pi (see product)
&Rho; &rho; Ρ ρ rho
&Sigma; &sigma; Σ σ sigma (see sum)
&Tau; &tau; Τ τ tau
&Upsilon; &upsilon; Υ υ upsilon
&Phi; &phi; Φ φ phi
&Chi; &chi; Χ χ chi
&Psi; &psi; Ψ ψ psi
&Omega; &omega; Ω ω omega