Maths Glossary
- Application, f(x), of a function, f, to an actual parameter, x.
May also be written as f x,
or as postfix, x f,
or even as xf.
Also see composition.
- Associative, where a binary operation, '·', satisfies (a · b) · c = a · (b · c), e.g., addition (+) of integers (but not subtraction (-)).
- Commutative, where a binary operation, '·', satisfies a · b = b · a, for all appropriate a and b, e.g., addition (+) of integers.
- Composition, f·g, of functions g:X→Y and f:Y→Z, (f·g)(x) = f(g(x)), f·g:X→Z; apply g first and then f. Note that composition is associative, (f·g)·h = f·(g·h). (f·g is sometimes written as fg, and sometimes as postfix g;f, or even gf!) Also see application.
- Graph, see [here].
- Group, see [here].
- iff, short for "if and only if," ⇔.
- s.t., short for "such that".
- Associative, where a binary operation, '·', satisfies (a · b) · c = a · (b · c), e.g., addition (+) of integers (but not subtraction (-)).
- N, the natural numbers, {0, 1, 2, 3, ... }.
- Q, the rational numbers, {m/n | m∈Z, n∈N-{0}}.
- R, the real numbers. (Can't enumerate them!)
- Sn, the symmetric group (of permutations) over {1,...,n}.
- Z, the integers, { ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... }.
- Zn, the integers modulo (mod) n, {0, 1, ..., n-1}.
- Zp, as above, {0, 1, ..., p-1}, where p is a prime number.
- Q, the rational numbers, {m/n | m∈Z, n∈N-{0}}.
- ∀, for all; also see
[logic] and
- ∃, there exists.
- ∧, as in p∧q, p and q, conjunction.
- ∨, as in p∨q, p or q, disjunction.
- ¬, as in ¬p, not p, logical negation.
- ∈, as in x∈S, x is a member of S.
- ∩, as in S∩T, set intersection.
- ∪, as in S∪T, set union.
- |x|, the size of x, the length of a sequence or string, the number of elements in a set, etc..
- [y,z] = {x | y ≤ x ≤ z}, closed interval.
- [y,z) = {x | y ≤ x < z}, half closed interval.
- (y,z] = {x | y < x ≤ z}, half closed interval.
- (y,z) = {x | y < x < z}, open interval (but also unordered pair in other contexts).
- 〈x, y〉, ordered pair, note 〈x, y〉 ≠ 〈y, x〉 in general.
- ∃, there exists.
- {x | p(x)}, the set of x such that p(x) is true.