Common Mistakes (doh!)
- [x:xs] is not the same as (x:xs)
- [x:xs] :: [[t]] but (x:xs) :: [t]. Somehow it is very easy to write [x:xs] in a pattern when you really mean (x:xs). The compiler is likely to report a (mystifying) type error caused by this mistake at some other location in the program. The slip is probably so easy because the list constructor, ‘:’, puts one in a list frame of mind. It is almost worth doing a search for \[.*:.*\] before compiling a program. It is possible that [x:xs], a list of one element which is itself a non-empty list, is appropriate in some program but not often.
- Numbers
- Haskell has a sophisticated collection of
types - Int, Integer, Float, Double - and classes -
Num, Real, Fractional, Integral, RealFrac, Floating, RealFloat -
describing numbers and related concepts
(H98 section 6.4 p81).
Usually they work as expected but may sometimes trip
one who is familiar with other languages...
e.g. 1 e.g. 2 e.g. 3 code n = 4
m = ceiling(n/2)n = length [1,2,3,4]
m = ceiling(n/2)n = length [1,2,3,4]
m = ceiling( (fromIntegral n)/2 )result OK, output:
2Error: No instance for (RealFrac Int) arising from use of ‘ceiling’ at file.hs:5 In the definition of ‘m’: ceiling(n/2)
(- ghc 9/2002)OK, output:
2why 4 ~ fromInteger(4) :: Float, hence 4.0 n :: Int
(/) :: (Num a) => a->a->a
but ¬RealFrac IntNB. 4 not 4.0