LandRover Toys and Scale Models
Most of the Land Rover four wheel drive toys and scale models listed are die-cast. Some plastic construction kit Land Rovers are also included. Many thanks to the Land Rover collectors!
Contents of this page:
Land Rover Collectors.
We should be especially indebted to the following Land Rover model collectors for sharing their hobby with us:
- Bill Caloccia [7/1995]
- Michael Carradine [7/1996]
- Robin Craig [12/1999]
- Franck Ergas [10/1996]
- Paul Hazell [11/1995]
- Leith Howie [12/1996]
- Maynard Hurst [5/1998]
- Jeff Kessler [8/1996]
- Rusty Knight [7/1999]
- Bill Leacock [5/1998]
- [1] [2] or [3]Steve Marsh [12/1995]
- Tom Mills [3/1995] University of Denver Library, 2150 E. Evans Ave., Denver, CO 80208, USA web
- Mark Perry [2/1995]
- Tom Rowe [6/1995] UW-Madison Center for Dairy Research
- Mats Rudqvist [1/1998]
- Bob Segui [7/1999]
- Uncle Roger Sinasohn [6/1995]
- Larry Smith [5/1998]
- Tom [12/1996] 1/43 Land Rover diecasts - especially Series I through III and the military variants
- Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
- David Wise [7/1995] (always looking for LR toys to buy)
- The following books are useful for the Land Rover and
die-cast collector:
- E. Force. Dinky Toys. Schiffer 1988
- E. Force. Corgi Toys. Schiffer 1984
Plastic Construction kits.
- Land Rover S2A 88" towing a bloodhound missile.
- David Wise [7/1995]
The box shows a S2 but the model is a S1!
- Mats Rundqvist [1/1998]
USA- #??? Land-Rover (88" Series III Station Wagon),
Scale 1/24; approx. date: mid-1970's;
Comments: A plastic kit that can be built up as either a
"stock" or "custom" Land-Rover, excellent details and I believe opening
bonnet and doors. I only saw this one once when I was a kid and naturally
didn't have the couple of dollars needed to buy it. I have never seen it
again though that does not necessarily mean that it is impossible to
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
Anguplas Minicars (Spain).
- #55 Land-Rover 109" Camirro [sic] (107 Series I Station Wagon), Scale: 1/86; colour: pale gray; material: moulded plastic; approx. date: 1960's?; special features: upper tailgate opens; comments: this model is the same as the one listed under EKO #2116 except that it has better wheels and the "Minicars" name on its baseplate. It came in a small and charming box yet my model has warped which I suspect is common.
Anguplas also produced other plastic Land-Rover models as well as some in
die-cast zinc. This is the only one I have found though the others
definitely exist. Also worth noting is their model of the Rover P5 3-Litre
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
Japan- Kit: 1/24 scale Range Rover 4 door classic. Lovely model, really well detailed with beautifully moulded rubber tyres on chrome rims. Separate chassis and running gear. Right hand drive. Moulded in white plastic. Recommended UK price about 20 pounds.
- Kit: 1/24 scale Range Rover 4 door classic. As above, but with bull bar and different wheels. Again a lovely kit. UK price about 20 pounds.
- Paul Hazell [2/1996]
Manufacturer "Arbois", part- #4562 makes a large (2/3 meter) 1/12 scale Land Rover 88 lightweight for their "Group Action Joe" toy soldier. Referred to in Europe as Action man, it is the Eurpeon equal to G.I. Joe. The lwt. has good detail, no top or doors, plastic in either olive or very scarce desert sand color. Comes with a whole sheet of decals. - David Wise [8/1996]
- See Palitoy
Japanese, tin, about 1:25 scale, usually with friction motor. Fairly scarce, most in rough condition, Prices vary but Japanese tin has its own collectors so the prices stay up there- David Wise [7/1995].
Barlux (Italy).
Land-Rover (Series III?), scale: 1/43, colour?;
comments: a cheaply made model that is hard to locate, production ended
not long ago.
A caravan is separately available. Not part of a set?
-Brian Willoughby [6/1997]
BBurago SPA - P.O.Box 11, 20040 Burago Molgora, MI, Italy.- #0167 Land-Rover Station Wagon [sic] (109 Series III Regular), Scale 1/24; colour: various; special features: opening bonnet, front and rear doors; comments: a nice enough model that was always rare though is now becoming expensive here in the states.
#0190 Land-Rover Pick-up (109 Series III Pickup), Scale 1/24; colour?;
special features: bonnet, doors and tailgate open; comments: same as for
Bburago #0167
- Brian Willoughby [3/1997] - 109 SIII pickup, white with green cab, decals Frog Trail, scale: 1:25; - Bill Leacock [5/1998]
- #4131 Land-Rover Aziza Rally (109 Series III Station Wagon),
scale: 1/43,
colour: red with Aziza decals, white painted-on tropical roof skin,
approx. date: still in production at last check
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - #4131 as above but white sticker for the trop' skin, box gives date 10/1992 - Leith Howie [12/1996]
- #4171 Land Rover Raid.
It appears to be identical to #4131 except for
the color and decals. (109 Series III Station Wagon), scale:1/43
(1/43 on the boxes, 1/47 on the vehicle).
Color: brown with Italia & others decal, white decal
tropical roof skin, white plastic interior.
I also have the #4131. The boxes are identical except for the name. Also the current models are listed on the back of the box. Both are listed. No other Land Rovers appear on the list. No dates of any kind are on the box. Someone may be able to extract the date from the bar code.
- Steve Marsh [12/1995] -
#1161 Land-Rover Trans-America Tour (109 Series III Regular), Scale: 1/24;
colour: red; approx. date: mid-1970's; special features: opening bonnet,
doors and tailgate; special comments: rare and expensive in mint-boxed
condition here in the U.S.
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
- Range Rover Rally of the Pharohs (3 door),
scale: 1/24,
colour: tan with multi-coloured decals,
special features: opening doors, tailgate, and bonnet,
roof rack with spares,
approx. date: late 1980's, rumour has it that it has recently been
re- introduced in a new paint scheme
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - #0104 Range Rover,
scale: 1/24,
colour: various, inc' tan,
special features: "British Trans-Americas Expidition" decals,
opening bonnet, doors and tailgate;
Comments: rare and expensive in mint/boxed (at least in USA).
- Franck Ergas [10/1996], Brian Willoughby [3/1997] - #0112 Range Rover Safari, 3 door, scale: 1/24, colour: tan with Elf decals, special features: brush guard, roof rack with spare tyres and jerry can, apparently same car as #0104 (from 1995 catalogue) is it basically the same as the two above? [-LA]
#0117 Range Rover Police (3-door), Scale 1/24; colour?;
comments: another variation on the same casting
- Brian Willoughby [3/1997] -
#0125 Range Rover Airport [Fire Tender] (3-door), Scale 1/24; colour: red
with white decals; special features: model is equipped with various fire
fighting equipment, opening bonnet, doors and tailgate; comments: see
Bburago #0104
- Brian Willoughby [3/1997] -
#0131 Range Rover Ambulanza [Army Ambulance] (3-door), Scale 1/24; colour:
olive drab with red and white decals on doors; special features: model is
equipped with beacons, sirens and a stretcher in the back, opening doors,
see Bburago #0104
- Brian Willoughby [3/1997] - #0156 Range Rover Team Castrol (3-door), Scale 1/24, colour?; yet another variation on this same casting; special features and comments as noted above
- #4104 Range Rover (3-door), Scale 1/43; colour?; comments: apparently the regular civilian station wagon version
- #4156/4846 Range Rover Team VSD (3 door),
scale: 1/43,
colour: white with VSD decals,
blue tinted windows,
approx. date of manufacture: mid- to late 1980's
#4156 Range Rover Team Castrol (3-door), Scale 1/43; colour?; comments same casting as above with "Castrol" decals
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
- (Larger scale?) Hardtop with Royal Mail (crown) EIIR cast in the sides.
The one I have is orange, a Series 1. I paid $35 for this one.
- Mark Perry [8/1995] - Automobile Association (AA) Land Rover Series 1 80" Blindside,
scale: approx 1:55, colour: AA yellow,
special features: nome; comments: crude but charming and well made,
everything except the grille including the wheels are yellow.
Grille is silver and AA is cast into the sides of the hardtop.
Part of the Qualitoy line by Benbros.
Rare and pricey in the USA
- Brian Willoughby [5/1998], Bill Leacock thought scale 1:63 - SWB, 1:63, old: about 1958-1960
olive drab dark green, metal wheels, pinched metal axles (expensive)
- David Wise [7/1995]
Britains Petite Ltd., Chelsea Street, New Basford, Nottingham NG7 7HR, England. Britains make an extensive range of `farm' toys.
- Land-Rover Pick-up (109 Series IIA),
scale: approx. 1/36,
colour: blue, olive drab, others?,
special features: opening bonnet and frontdoors,
steerable front wheels operated ingeniously by turning the rear.
Tail-gate mounted spare tyre, detailed engine and very delicate die-cast
gear levers. Royal Army version has rotating machine gun in the cargo bed
with operator.
approx. date: late 1960's to very early 1970's,
comments: all versions rare and expensive.
The model exists in early and later production versions -
best differentiated by their wheel hubs, solid on later versions,
and their axles, standard steel rods on later versions,
die-cast on earlier.
- Brian Willoughby [1/1998]. - #7608 Britain - Task Force Set - 90 HT w/three soldiers.
Have seen a brown with "mud" spatterings. However, I have a
white 90 with "UN" markings. One driving soldier
and two with WWII weapons. RHD.
- Steve Marsh, Larry Smith [1/1996] - #7609 Desert Storm Land Rover and Action Figures - Boxed Set
- Steve Marsh
90 SWB HT [-LA]. I have two that fit this. The first is a Green one with a removeable hard top and a horse box. Comes with a driver and horse, in 1:32. The second is a white 90 with a removeable hard top and police markings/accessories. (cones, etc.) Both have a winch up front.
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn)- #9924 pickup, blue, British Gas, 1989?
- #9923, British Telecom County, yellow, 1989?
- #9917, Police County, white, 1989?
- #9507, Defender County
- #5946 green special edition 1994 -
- - Bill Leacock [5/1998]
- #9480, Discovery TDi 4door 1:32, 1993 [-LA].
- #9481, Discovery, police, 1990s.
- #9482, Discovery, rally, 1990s.
- #9507, Defender 90 (see above), 1990s.
- #9650, Land-Rover and horse box (see above), 1990s.
- #9651, Land-Rover and animal trailer, 1990s.
- #9657 Land Rover, Honda TRX and Logic Trailer
- #9658 Land Rover Gift Set
- #9663 Land Rovery Discovery,
Logic CT700 Trailer and Moto Cross Motorbike - $37.50 US
- Steve Marsh - #9787, S3 SWB HT [-LA].
I have a green military Pick-up with 2 soldiers and a gun trailer. Could be the same basic model. The set I have is #9787.
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn)
Bruder (Germany).
Land-Rover Series III 88",
scale approx. 1/60;
colour: yellow, red, probably others;
special features: none; material: moulded plastic;
approx. date: late 1970s to date;
Comments: although it is not clearly
identified as a Land-Rover and its features are somewhat freelanced,
this charming little model is clearly based on a Land-Rover. Its worst
violations: square headlamps and rear bumper (perhaps it's modeled
after a Santana!). It is also rather inexpensive so perfect to-scale
accuracy should not be expected.
- Brian Willoughby [6/1997] - Land-Rover Station Wagon (109 Series III),
scale: approx. 1/16,
colour: green,
special features: opening front and rear doors, opening bonnet,
roof rack with various "safari" gear and spare tyre,
approx. date: still in production,
comments: all plastic construction, good detail though very toy-like
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995, '97].
Champion was a line of inexpensive models produced in France by
and with the current listing, either "Champion" or "Safir" is
redundant. I would personally identify these models as Safirs.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
- S2A 109", 1:63, yellow plastic,
labelled `East African Safari', good quality
- David Wise [7/1995]
Con-Cor (USA).
#236 Range Rover Fire Chief (3-door), Scale: 1/87; colour: red; material:
plastic; approx. date: production recently ended; comments: intended for
use with model railroads, excellent detail for size. (This could possibly
be the same model as the Herpa
listed below. Con-Cor often buys up and
recycles moulds and dies from other manufacturers.)
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
- #351-A1 RAF L/R + Thunderbird missile / Bloodhound missile.
- #355-A1 L-R weapons carrier.
- #406 Land-Rover Pick-up (107 S1),
scale: approx. 1/43,
colour: blue, possibly others,
special features: bonnet mounted spare tyre,
approx. date: late 1950's,
comments: rare and expensive to acquire though a good, detailed casting,
also available in a RAF version with rear canopy (#416)
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
The #406 Pick-up is I think the 109" S1 (yes, series one; it's marked as a 109", but is clearly a S1). I have it in light blue, with the tire on the bonnet. I also have the same casting (an earlier version, based on the undercarriage and wheels) as a breakdown truck, with a tire mounted on the left-hand outside, just behind the cab. I also have a later version (again, based on the wheels) as a breakdown truck (MIB!) with a knob for the tow cable where the wheel used to be on the side.
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn) - #421-B1 LWB SW; -B2 Forest-Fire.
- #438 I have a Corgi 109 #438 with dual rear wheels. Tyres appear correct,
but trying to figure if duals were added later. Nothing about it in
Dr. Force's Corgi book. If added later, someone did a good job
and it looks great!
- Larry Smith [1/1996] - #477-A1 L-R tow truck.
- #487-A1 Circus pde vehicle.
- #619 Land-Rover station wagon (SIII 109")
scale: 1:36; colour: red with white roof and red wheels;
special features: opening rear door;
comments: possibly a French issue, made in Wales
- Brian Willoughby [5/1998] - `Corgi juniors' Whizwheels, late S2A, 109" pickup, flat cab,
so-so detail, 2.6", about 1:67 - Mark Perry [2/1995]
109 1:64 scale, various pickup, breakdown, red, purple, blue, - Bill Leacock [5/1998] - S3 LWB ute, `Corgi juniors', about 1:64, `old' [-LA].
Juniors 109"pickup in dark green and a sort of mint metallic green.
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn) [4/1995] - 109" pickup, 3.6" about 1:46, spare on bonnet,
plastic windows, good detail, various colours,
basis of other versions - tow trucks, police, circus etc.
- Mark Perry [2/1995]
The 109" pickup in about 1:46 I have in blue, as a plain pickup.
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn) - S3 109" SW, orange, sprung suspension, rear door opens,
plastic interior, safari roof and ladder, tow-bar,
spare on bonnet, 5".
- Mark Perry [2/1995]
[LA: mine was tan with prepainted mud!] - S3 Breakdown truck (#JB168), about 1:64.
- S3 LWB SW NORWEB white, about 1:36, 1990.
- 110 van - police (white), AA (yellow), mail (red), 1:64 [-LA].
I also have in red as a fire rescue truck, and in green with a white roof as just a civilian truck. (this last from their Corgi City collection, or something like that.) - Uncle Roger (Sinasohn) [5/1995]
Also Safari Rally, Race Support, - Bill Leacock [5/1998] - 1998
Corgi has recently reintroduced an upgraded version of its famous 1960s
S2 109 pickup which makes use of the original tooling.
The main differences are the headlamps (separate plastic lenses this time
instead of diecast), the grill (separate chrome plated plastic),
and the wheels (now a very accurate recreation of the original Dunlops).
Otherwise v. similar to the original.
- Royal Mail van in red
- Mersey Tunnel Tow truck in white
- Auxiliary Fire Service in dark green with tan tilt
- Also, a 24-carat gold plated (!) version is rumoured to be in the works
- 1997 50th anniversary special edition ``gold''
109 station wagon; scale: 1:32:-
circus and trailer; royal mail post bus; NorWeb Special Edition (white); military police (white), Sapuers (red)
- Bill Leacock [5/1998] - #461 Range Rover
Police (3 door conversion body),
scale: approx. 1/43,
colour: white with police decals,
special features: moving rear window covers,
approx. date: early to mid 1970's,
comments: nice, detailed casting, also available in an ambulance
version with red paint and ambulance decals (#482)
- Range Rover 1:36 special features: opening front doors and tailgate; made in Wales.
- #507 Paris Match Range Rover; colour: white with multicoloured graphics; variant of 1:36 RR above
- #522 Stimorol Chewing Gum range Rover; scale: 1:36; colour: white with red roof and blue stripes.
- #598 Royal Automobile Club (RAC) Range Rover;
colour: white with RAC logos in blue
- Brian Willoughby [5/1998] - #42 Rescue Range Rover (3 door conversion body),
scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: red,
special features: none,
approx. date: early to mid 1970's,
comments: nice small casting, also available in police version
(# unknown) in white with police decals
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - Range Rover Convertible (3 door conversion),
scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: brown or red,
approx. date: circa 1983,
special features: open body, brown version has accompanying
horse trailer,
comments: the brown version is a promotional item for the James Bond
film Octopussy (remember the opening scene?), the red one was a
normal issue
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - Range Rover 4-door, scale: 1:25; red Fuehwehr,
police polizei, SOS, Metroploitan Police - Bill lEacock [5/1998]
- #340 Rover 3500 Triplex (sedan, car):
scale: 1:36; colour: white with multicoloured graphics;
special features: opening doors, bonnet and rear boot;
comments: made in Welsh Wales, similar to contemporary Dinky model of
same vehicle.
- Brian Willoughby [5/1998]
Dartmoor models.
Dartmoor Military Models, Sweet Meadow, west Manly Lane, Tiverton, Devon, UK, EX16 4NJ.
![[Landrover 101 and LW, jpg]](Dartmoor.jpg)
- 1/35 scale resin/white metal Model No. DMMV.05 Land Rover Series III Lightweight soft top. #39.95.
- 1/35 scale resin/white metal Model No. DMMV.08 Land Rover 101 GS. #54.95.
I don't know what there like, I've only seen the catalogue (available free from above address) but the only models of the LT/WT and 101 in 1/35 scale. Postage: UK Post Free, Europe +15%, Elsewhere +20% Non European Union orders can deduct VAT at 14.9% before postage apparently. (- Paul Hazell)
Made in Liverpool, England by Mecanno Ltd. (Name now owned by Matchbox.)The Dinky name has been dormant for some time now (at least
since 1993) though hopefully it will be resurected again by Mattel which is
now the owner of Matchbox. All recent Dinkys have been produced in either
Macau or China (the Liverpool plant closed in 1979).
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]

w.b. 2"
- #340 Land-Rover S1, 1:40
#341 trailer
matched pairs in red, green and orange
also red Rover with yellow interior and red Rover with black interior; green is most common
- David Wise [8/1995].- Light green body, tan int', cast driver.
- Orange body, red hubs, green int'.
- Red plastic hubs, blue driver.
- Red body, plastic hubs, yellow int'.
- Land-Rover with Horse Trailer (86 Series I),
scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: green with orange trailer,
special features: horse trailer, bonnet mounted spare tyre,
approx. date: early to mid 1950's,
comments: very rare and very expensive, always sold as a set and
therefore should be bought together that way today
-- don't buy the L-R without the horse trailer unless the
price reflects the "lost" trailer
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
- #255-G SWB Mersey-Tunnel patrol vehicle, 1955-1961. Two paint jobs, either glossy red or a flatter (more orange) red.
- Land-Rover Pick-up (109 Series III),
scale: approx. 1/40,
colour: metallic blue,
approx. date: early to mid 1970's,
special features: opening doors and bonnet,
comments: nice casting, rather pricey, available with
standard (early product- ion) or "Speedwheels" (later production),
also available in a goofy jacked-up suspension model in the late
1970's with oversized tyres
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - Land-Rover Fire Appliance (109 Series III),
scale: approx. 1/40,
colour: red,
special features: opening doors and bonnet, removable fire firefighting
apparati (ladders, etc.),
approx. date: early to mid 1970's,
comments: modified casting of above Land-Rover Pick-up
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - Bomb Disposal Land-Rover (109 Regular Series III),
scale: approx. 1/40,
colour: olive drab,
special features: opening doors and bonnet,
approx. date: mid 1970's,
comments: appears to be a modified casting of the above
L-R 109 Pick-up
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
DY-9: (right) 40th anniversary S1 ST (DY-9) 1:43, released 1988
- [LA] - DY-9B 1949 Automobile Association (AA) Land Rover Series 1 80"
scale 1:43; colour: yellow with black wings and wheels, tan tilt;
special features: removable tilt;
comments: although released about 1988 still widely available for $20US
in 1998. Somewhat rarer than the earlier green version (See DY-9)
- Brian Willoughby [5/1998] - Range Rover (3 door),
scale: approx. 1/40,
colour: various depending on version,
approx. date: early to mid 1970's,
special features: opening doors, tailgate and bonnet,
comments: good, detailed casting, available in civilian,
fire and ambulance versions -- fire and ambulance have revolving light
on roof, as with above LR, it was produced with a jacked-up suspension
in the late 1970's
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - 180 Rover 3500 saloon; scale: 1/36; colour: white;
special features: opening front doors and rear hatch;
comments: In a last futile attempt to remain solvent, Meccano had this
model produced in Hong Kong rather than in Liverpool.
It's not what most expect when they think of Dinky.
Its baseplate is moulded plastic and its build quality is only average.
Don't assume however that this means it is cheap or abundant --
it is rare and costly. A police version was available and is even
scarcer and more expensive. Sadly, this model was one of the last
Meccano produced Dinkys.
- Brian Willoughby [1/1998]
EFSI - Holland.
- 109" SIII soft-top; scale: 1:64; Police, white, dark blue and pickup yellow / black - Bill Leacock [5/1998]
- 40th anniversary SIII 109" soft top, 1:63.
The sides say:
"The best 4x4xfar / (lr logo) 40 years of progress" while the bonnet says
"Four x Four x Forty / 40th Anniversary / (lr logo) / 1948 - 1988".
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn) [6/1995]
EKO - Spain.
- SIIa topless grey 88" with 2 milk cans in back.
HO scale, made for model railroads.
Both ones I found had the windscreen broken off.
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn) [6/1995] - EKO models, HO gauge made in Spain, still in the boxes, amongst which was a Ser. 2 88, green, (Uncle Roger records a grey version) with a windscreen and no top, cost me $4 plus tax [10/1996].
- #2033 Land-Rover (88" Series II Open Top), Scale: 1/86 (not 1/87--the true HO model railroad scale); colour: gray; material: plastic; approx. date: still in production; special features: milk containers in cargo bed; comments: very crude and poorly made though cheap and not without a certain charm. Watch for badly warped models (they often "bow" in the middle) and mould flash.
- #2116 Land-Rover Safari (107 Series I Station Wagon), Scale 1/86; colour: various; material: plastic; approx. date: still in production; special features: top portion of tailgate opens; comments: again, crude and poorly made though a generally better model than EKO's version of the 88"
- #4023 Army Land-Rover (88" Series II Open Top), Scale 1/86; same as EKO #2033 except for olive drab colour.
- #4045 Land-Rover Army Station Wagon (107 Series I Station Wagon), Scale 1/86; same as EKO #2116 except for olive drab colour.
EKO also produces a model of the Rover P5 3-Litre Saloon (Catalog #2077).
For what it is worth, all EKOs I have recently bought have been in a small
plastic bag stapled to a card printed in blue with the EKO name proudly
emblazoned on it.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
The ERTL company, Dyersville, Iowa 52040, USA; ERTL (UK) Ltd., Exeter EX2 8RG, England.
- 90 SWB SW 1:32 about 1986.
AA-service #2596 (yellow), police (white), coastguard (blue), farm (ST) green. - 110 ST, Royal Marines (#1199 / 1182AI), 1:64. [LA]
Land-Rover Police Vehicle (110 Regular Hardtop), scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: white with black and orange "Police" decals; approx. date: late
1980's to early 1990's; special features: roof is removable which
transforms this "Regular" into a "Pickup"; comments: a nicely detailed
model which was not generally available in the U.S.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997] -
#E1010 Young Farmers `90';
scale 1:64; green, similar to police and Royal Marines
- Bill Leacock [5/1998]
- Land Rover Freelander (2 door / SWB)
scale: 1/48; colour: not yet finalised;
special features: opening doors, removable rear canvas tilt, opening bonnet;
comments: a great and painfully accurate model that should be available
in 1998. To my knowledge this is the first model available
of the junior Land Rover.
- Brian Willoughby [1/1998]
ESCI (Italy).
Plastic model kit:- #3034 Land-Rover S3 109" 1:24.
- #3037 Land-Rover 11FFR paratrooper 1:24.
- #3043 Land-Rover Safari 1:24 kit.
- Series III L.W.B. in 1/24, now discontinued.
If you put this info on the web, can you ask if people
will e-mail me (see contributors)
if they have one (or know of one) of these ESCI kits (unbuilt)
for sale, as I'd be interested in buying it (at a sensible price).
(- Paul Hazell) [11/1995]
- #3029 Range Rover, early slotted grille, nice kit, 1:24.
- Mark Perry [2/1995] - #3033 Range Rover Paris-Dakar 1:24 kit
- #3036 Range Rover Camel Trophy 1:24 kit
Galoob Micro-Machines.
(Made in China).
I just stumbled on Galoob `Micro Machines' in a local toy store.
There is no mention of scale, but they are something like HO.
The detail is impressive.
Most vehicles are in sets of 4 or 5.
Price per set is $5.00
- T. F. Mills [3/1995]
- #2 National Geographic Collection: Swamp Adventure:
inc' 109" in beige with a tan tilt along with a helicopter,
a boat, an aligator (!) and an ``outdoors'' figurine
- Brian Willoughby [5/1998] - Set #6 Mud Trackers:
5 off highway trucks inc' SIII 109 regular with full tilt,
$5 or $1 / vehicle.
The level of detail is very convincing and proportionatly the truck is correct. The front bumper has military over-riders, headlamps recessed in the fender panel with two sidelights each, and a recognizable Series III grill. The bonnet sports a spare, and has hinges at the windscreen. From the side each body panel is delineated including the rocker panel, and the air intake, hinges, rear view mirrors, door handles, divided door windows and tilt windows can be seen. The tilt is scored for a canvas like effect. The rear has a tailgate with bars, hinges, rear lights and bumperettes to be seen. The bottom even has the drivetrain shown. The vehicle is painted light green with a tan tilt. It has sky blue windows, black tires with silver rims, a black radiator grill, silver bumpers, and red tailights. 6 colors in all. The vehicle has a 20mm (3/4") wheelbase, and measures a scant 16mm (5/8") wide, 33mm (1-1/4") long, and 16mm (5/8") high ...truly micro. Oh yes, it comes with a plastic clip to the frame to hold it while viewing as any finger would surely obscure it. The only odd feature is an oversize towing setup, which just proves that even as this micro scale Land-Rovers remain funtional and are designed to go to work!
- Michael Carradine [7/1996] - #12 All Terrain: inc' standard 109" Land Rover in red with black tilt,
also a Jeep CJ, Ford Explorer, Chevrolet Blazer and Tahoe.
Different from set #7 of the same name!
- Brian Willoughby [5/1998] - Set #37 "Trail Trackers" includes a SIII 109" 2-door
(green with soft top).
The detail is fantastic, but the proportions are slightly off: windshield is a wee bit too vertical, and top seems a bit squashed. (And the tow hitch is as big as the wheels.) Length is 3 cm. Altogether a delightful little conversation piece. The set also includes a Jeep and Ford Explorer. Copyright on this set is 1994. Also of possible interest is set #5 "European Sport": 3 of the 5 models are Brit 1950s -- MG, Triumph, Jaguar.
- Todd Mills [3/1995] - Range Rover (5 door),
scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: red and white,
special features: entire body is hinged at rear; opens to reveal
another even smaller car inside (I like storing the little Micro
Machines Land-Rover inside),
approx. date: late 1980's,
comments: nice detail, plastic body with metal base plate
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. -
The "Tenth Anniversary Set" entitled "The Best of '93" contains a Range
Rover 5-door in gold. This set is apparently not yet available as of 2/1997.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
Getting rarer, it was after all a "limited edition". [1998]
Gordy International.
Gordy International (Hong Kong)- #558 Jungle Patrol Set which includes a Series II 109" Pickup; scale: approx. 1/43; construction: moulded plastic; colour: white with black zebra stripes and pink animal cage enclosing bed; special features: Marlon Perkins-like figure popping his head through a hole in the roof; date: mid to late 1960s; comments: set also includes a green cage-type trailer and several animal figurines. This is probably the same model described by Uncle Roger under the "Unknown" listing. Like so many of its contemporaries, this model is a fairly straight-forward copy of the familiar Corgi 109" Pickup of this same era. - BW [9/1998]
- 109" Land-Rovers (misc),
plastic, 1:21 scale.
I have seen several, one a fire-truck with ladder,
others are stn wgns, odd colours (eg. red/silver or green/orange),
fairly crudely made
- David Wise [7/1995] - 109" SW, plastic 1/21 scale Blue with a detachable white top. This one is also pulling an orange Camper trailer. Has safari stickers on the sides, and a spare on the hood. Fairly poorly made, but fun to collect. - David Wise [10/1995]
Guiloy, (Spain).
#1: Range Rover (3-door), Scale 1/64; colour: light metallic green; special
features: none; comments: a nice, inexpensive model of an early RR,
probably out of production by now.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
Guisval, (Spain).
- Land-Rover (109" Series III Pickup); scale: approx. 1/64; colour: white with moulded green plastic insert in cargo bed, undoubtedly others; special features: opening bonnet and front doors; date: early 1970's ?; comments: this one has two figures seated in the cargo bed around what appears to be a missing machine gun. Other versions are bound to exist as cast-in holes which lock the insert in place indicate that the rear bed can accept several other variations besides the one described. Also, the bonnet (which in this version has a red decal on it) has a cast-in hole which would seem to be for accepting a bonnet-mounted spare-tyre. Overall, an interesting model for its size that is somewhat difficult to obtain. - BW [9/1998]
Hart Models, England.
1:43 scale, hand-built, about $145 (Aus) [LA '96].General Description: This company produces hand-built, die-cast replicas of various Land-Rover products from Series Is to Discoveries. The models are scaled at about 1/43. Quality is high, production is low enough to ensure uniqueness and rarity and the prices reflect this level of attention to detail and accuracy, i.e. expensive though worth it. [-BW]
- Land-Rover 109 Hartfordshire ambulance.
- Land-Rover 1 ton Military ambulance.
- Land-Rover ambulance RAF.
- Defender 110 Police.
- Defender 110 (1993?) white with no markings (police, fire, etc.) - Tom
- Discovery 5dr Police.
- 116 Discovery paramedic.
Heller (Plastic Kits).
- S3 109" SW, 1:43 scale, #80179 [L.A.]
- Donald Duck Fire Brigade: SIII 109" pickup fire truck
with Donald Duck Decals. A cross collectible; my girlfriend
has one in her Donald Duck collection.
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn) [5/1995] - CLICLAC mark by Heller from France are
designed to be snapped together and come in coloured plastic with decals.
The vehicles are about 1/32 scale. Those were available in the series
were all series three 109's in various guises. These model kits are
accurate for the most part and are a treat to put together.
- #2014 Land Rover 109 with Zodiac on roof, s3 109 p/u
- #2015 Land Rover 109 Police, s3 109 p/u with safari roof and decals etc
- #2016 Land Rover 109 Assistance, s3 109 p/u with ambluance body and decals.
- Robin Craig [8/1995] - Heller Humbrol Rallye
Range Rover, plastic kit,1:43 scale,
complete with the decals for the Pacific Rallye vehicle.
- Rebekah Lee [8/1998]
Herpa (Germany).
- #4063 Range Rover Fire Vehicle (3 door),
scale: 1/87,
colour: fluorescent orange,
special features: light bar on roof,
approx. date: late 1970's?,
comments: all plastic construction though excellent detail,
intended for use with model railroads
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - Civilian version of #4063 Range Rover fire engine. Rear windows are out of scale. [- BW]
Hot Wheels by Mattel
(Made in Malaysia.)
#103 & #221 Range Rover (5 door),
scale: approx. 1/64, colour: white (#103) or black (#221), special features: none, approx. date: copyrighted in 1989 and still available, comments: a nice, detailed casting spoilt by oversize tyres
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. -
This RR model is now available as #386 in red with flames painted on its
sides and bonnet.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997] - #544 Range Rover (5 door); scale: 1/60; colour:magenta with chequered racing flags and the words "screech" and "vroom" on the roof and sides! date: still in production 1998; comments: another in a series of ever more ridiculous variants upon this casting [- BW 1/1998]
- #610 Land Rover Mk II (sic);
scale: 1:64 approx;
colour: bright orange with `Smith Electric for all your lighting needs'
logos in white and blue, `service dept' on the doors, number 23 on front
quarter panel;
special features: none;
comments: this model is a former
Junior and in that guise it was known as either a Land Rover 110 or a
Land Rover Defender 110. It is a 110 regular with full hardtop
and the casting has been slightly modified by Mattel - all the rear
windows are cast closed and certain small details eliminated e.g. the
PTO hole, the rear cross member handles, and one set of tail-lights.
Made in China.
- Brian Willoughby [5/1998], Maynard Hurst [5/1998] -
#13004 Hot Wheels Road Wars Wastelander [Range Rover 5-door],
Scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: light or dark blue;
material: moulded plastic;
approx. date: currently in production;
special features: Miscellaneous
devices attach to the model's shell and fly off when it forcibly hits
any object. It has a "launcher" included which propels it across the floor;
comments: A purely absurd toy with little to recommend it other
than it is a highly disguised, though still identifiable, Range Rover.
Apparently they weren't very popular with kids since I found mine in the
bargain bin at a significant discount.
- Brian Willoughby [6/1997]
Husky (Wales).
Husky models were introduced by Corgi during the mid-1960's to compete
against Lesney's Matchbox miniatures. In 1970, the entire line was renamed
"Corgi Juniors" and many models were dropped and replaced with new castings
which employed the new "Whizzwheels" (a clear response to Lesney's
"Superfast" line and Mattel's Hot Wheels.)
Huskies were always sold in "blisterpacks"
which probably explains why so many survivors are today found rather
"roughed up" and missing parts. These Forward Controls are not excessively
rare though they are expensive to find in loose mint condition (forget
about finding one in the blister unless you want to pay a fortune).
Production ended by 1970 and earlier castings are better: they have metal
bases rather than plastic.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
Forward Control, about 1:78, `old' [-LA].
- #11: green, brown plastic top, grey wheels
- #21: military, star on roof
(Made in England). These models were made by Lone Star.
- Range Rover (3 door),
scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: metallic green, possibly others,
special features: black-tinted windows,
approx. date: mid 1970's,
comments: a very accurate and likable model of an early RR
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
Italeri (Plastic kit).
- "Desert Rats S.A.S. Combat Car".
Basically, a kit to build a Pink Panther,
although the picture on the box is grey.
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn) [5/1995] - #258 Desert Rats combat car "Pink Panther" 1:35.
Box has Jungle Cam' (see above)
- Leith Howie [12/1996] - #321, S3 109" ST, 1:35 scale [L.A.].
- Testors/Italeri
ser. III, 109", 1/35 scale, military regular with full canvas. #859 no release date available
- Tom Rowe [6/1995]
Ja-Ru (China).
#2342 "Lion Country Safari Set". This set includes a somewhat inaccurate,
plastic 110 Pickup scaled at about 1/43 in white with zebra stripes and a
green cage to keep various animals contained in the cargo bed. The
Land-Rover seems to owe quite a debt to earlier Corgi castings though it
still maintains is individuality. I found the set in a supermarket
check-out lane and have not seen it again. The lions and giraffes are a
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
J B Models.
J B Models, Unit 18, Sandall Rd, Wisbech, UK, PE13 2RE.- 1/76 scale British Army Series III L.W.B. Soft top with GS trailer. Plastic injection moulded (of the Airfix type).
- 1/76 scale British Army Series III L.W.B. Hard top with GS trailer. Plastic injection moulded.
Hong Kong.- S2A 109" 1:32 scale, friction motor, `fire service'
- David Wise [7/1995]
Brazil (from Corgi moulds).- 1:63 scale, variants
- ambulance
- desert racer (Spanish language decals)
- David Wise [7/1995] - Range Rover Airport Fire Tender (3 door conversion);
scale: approx 1/60;
colour: red with black and white decals;
construction: die-cast with plastic;
special features: none;
comments: same casting aas Corgi junior #9,
something of a challenfe to locate and of much lower quality
than the Corgi piece.
- Brian Willoughby [1/1998] - #275 Rover 2000TC sedan (car);
scale: 1:43 approx;
colour: metallic green;
special features: a `Golden Jack' model - all wheels removable
by releasing small levers in the base and a spare tyre
is mounted on the boot-lid on a hinged black cover as in the real car -
and the roof contains the [rare] glass roof panel
[LA: there is/was at least one full-size in Melbourne];
comments: a nice and accurate model, even the wheels are perfect miniatures
of the real thing, rare and expensive
- Brian Willoughby [5/1998] - Rover 3500 saloon SD1 fire chief; scale: approx 1/60; colour: orangish red with yellow lettering; construction: diecast with plastic; special features: opening rear hatchback; comments: same as similar Corgi Junior casting. [- BW 1/1998]
- I just saw a battery powered monster truck, Lanark [?-LA] #8016, at KMart.
It was a Defender with sky high suspension, chrome (ack!) headers
peering through the front fenderwells, bikini fastback top.
Side of the box showed a similar Chevy truck.
For less than $12.00.
- John Dillingham [10/1997] - Defender 90 NAS, (supershots line) 1995.
On the [toy shop] shelf, large as life (about 6 inches long) sat a Defender 90 NAS hard top in green with the grey hard top. It is a ripcord type friction toy, driving only the rear axle but it fair zips accross the kitchen table! The vehicle is really quite a faithful reproduction right down to the turn signals in the bumpers! The DEFENDER logo is across the top of the windshield and a 4x4 decal in the rear side window. The wheels are the five spokes with some pretty close to oem looking tyres. The proportions look really good all around on this baby, it comes with brush bar on the front, again a real oem look, and nerf bars on the side. If you want to find fault you can, there is none of the roll cage over the top or infront of the windshield. The rear axle is a bit far forward and the rear side panel lacks some of the lower part. This being a toy it has a mould plastic base which, listen for it, CLANG, has leaf springs! This toy is in limted supply around here. It's maker is Lanard and this is in the Supershots line of toys.
- Robin Craig - #8016 Mean Machine Defender 90;
scale: 1/24 approx;
colours: yellow, green;
construction: moulded plastic;
special features: battery operated four-wheel-drive with forward and reverse
date: in production 1998;
comments: truly a toy, this is a garrish one but a real Land Rover!
- Brian Willoughby [1/1998]
These models are numbered as 9004 irrespective of their colour.
I have also seen a hideous version with grossly oversized tyres, a
sloped-back canvas roof, garish paint, lights, roll bar, etc. It is its
own moulding though is obviously based on the 9004 model.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
From time to time the Rover factory offers pewter models on
wooden plinths. Quality is excellent but the price
is about $85 U.S.
- David Wise [7/1995]
- 109"
- D90
- D110
- Discovery
Larami (Hong Kong)..
#201/4 Land-Rover Pickup (109" Series IIA), scale: approx. 1:/60; colour:
olive drab, red; approx. date: late 1970's; special features: removable
rear tilt; comments: a blatant copy of the above
Corgi Junior #79
Land-Rover Ambulance. Nevertheless, this one has a cast metal base as
opposed to the the Corgi's plastic. Reportedly available in a tow truck
version as well (just like the Corgi).
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
LKE Prod..
LKE Prod. Denmark - that's what the moulding says. One-piece moulded in pliable plastic [- LA].- S3 LWB ute, about 1:43 (blue)
- S3 LWB ute tow-truck, about 1:43 (yellow)
- S3 LWB red - Bill Leacock [5/1998]
Lone Star.
British die-cast, late 1950s. (See also Impy.)- 86" S.T., RHD, olive coloured
- David Wise [7/1995]. - (Possibly) various 1:63 scale SWB L-Rs
- David Wise [7/1995]. - 2-door Range Rover, green, scale 1:64; - Bill lEacock [5/1998]
(Made in France.)
- 90 SWB SW (200 #266) about 1:64, about 1988.
This comes in various colours and also in combination packs. [-LA]
- White with red red light bar [- BL 5/1998]
- White NASA with radar trailer
- Blue, Brun Freres (Brown Brothers!) [-BL]
- Tan with mud splashes. Roof Rack and Safari logo
- Tan, no mud splashes. Roof Rack and Safari logo
- Green with roof rack and safari logo
- Yellow with "Camel / 4x4" (Camel Trophy) logo on bonnet. Roof rack.
- Police with radar trailer [-BL]
- Red, orange, light brown, ...
#3013 Safari Land-Rover?, scale?; colour?; approx. date: current; comments:
this one is supposed to be out there though I have never seen it...
...was in a toy shop a few weeks ago and found a 1/32 scale Majorette Toyota Land Cruiser with "safari" gear on its roof. My feeling is that this model (which carried on number on its baseplate) may be this mysterious "Land-Rover"? - BW [9/1998] - Serie 4510 Super Construction set: dump truck and L-R 90.
The 90 is yellow with the logo FK Enterprises on the door and
a red light bar on the roof
- Bill Leacock [3/1996] - #3018 Range Rover (5 door), scale: approx. 1/40,
colour: usually dark or light blue,
special features: opening front doors, always has some sort of
trailer since this series comes only in sets,
approx. date: still in production,
comments: nice casting with good detail, unfortunately the rear
suspension seems to sit too low on every one I have seen
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].Set: five door Range Rover (front two operational) with a caravan. 1/36 scale. Operational suspension. Price was $8.00USD.
- Larry Smith [12/1995] [LA: presumably same car as above.]re the rr and caravan (serie 3040-3070), they do at least two versions:
a tan Rangie Freeway with a tan caravan, a light blue Rangie with colored blobs and a blue and white caravan, and a dark blue Rangie with buggy racing decals with a trailer and beach buggy.
There is also a black Rangie with coloured stripes with the beach buggy and trailer, also available in different colours. The Rangies are available separately (serie 3010-3020) in various color schemes.
Using similar tooling they market Sonic Alarm (serie 3400) in 3 or 4 different color schemes. These sold in France for about 15 bucks and had a battery which is supposed to work for 5000 actions. It has an alarm if someone moves it after setting with a private key, and flashes the headlights. I have a green version with Roarin Monster decals and a yellow version with a green tiger decal
- Bill Leacock [12/1995] - #266 Range Rover Fire Truck (3 door conversion),
scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: red,
special features: removable ladder, revolving lights on roof,
approx. date: throughout 1980's,
comments: nice representation of these popular conversions
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - (This one made in Thailand)
#266 Range Rover Fire Truck, scale: approx. 1/64, colour: red, special features: as above, approx. date: still in production, comments: slightly modified casting with blanked-out rear windows
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
I have a Range Rover Fire Truck that is probably this one. It's part of the "Movers" series. However, it's marked as #246, not #266. It is made in Thailand.
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn)
Mark Models.
Pewter models on wooden base, about $35 U.S.- David Wise [7/1995].
- 80" S1
- David Wise [7/1995]. - 86" S1
- David Wise [7/1995].
Marx (USA).
(See also Motorific.)
- "Show Cars" Set. These sets, produced during the 1960's, included a
variety of different models, two of which were Land-Rovers. They were made
to about 1/43 scale and featured a removable base which contained a small,
battery-operated motor. The idea was to trade a single base between your
collections of bodies which also included an Aston Martin DB5 and a
Mercedes-Benz 220. The Land-Rovers looked very similar to contemporary
Corgis and two variants existed: a pickup with a tarp over the bed and a
tow truck. The colours probably varied. These were "dime store" items
when new, and as with most cheap toys, few survived. Very rare and
expensive (Marx produced a wide variety of toys and in the U.S. many
antique toy collectors specialise only in their products; expect
competition in acquiring a nice set of these Landies from Marx addicts).
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997] - S1 80" battery powered model with `umbilical' remote control.
About 8 inches long i.e. scale 1:10 approx;
Bronze green plastic with tan plastic tilt.
Saw one in a box for $100 recently
- Larry Smith.
Matchbox Toys Ltd., Enfield, England.
- No 12, S1 80", all metal, green with driver, 1.75" long,
about 1:74, about 1953.
Recently reissued by Tyco under `Matchbox Originals' with replica original box, made in China from same master die, darker green, brighter metal for wheels, driver not as sharply cast (about $4.00 CDN.)
- Mark Perry [2/1995] - No 12, S2 88", dark green, plastic wheels, about 2.12" long,
about 1:67.
- Mark Perry [2/1995] - No 12, Safari Land Rover
has a roof rack on top with boxes and barrels - no tires. Came in blue,
green, and metallic gold. The roof rack was either light or dark brown.
Value is around $10 for the blue & green and a little more for the gold in
mint condition.
Blue with both a light (almost orangey) brown roof rack/luggage, and with a dark brown rack/luggage. The green one I have has a dark brown rack/luggage.
- Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates [4/1995] - #12 Safari Land-Rover (109 Station Wagon Series IIA),
scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: green and blue with regular wheels, gold with "Superfast" wheels,
special features: luggage on roof, trailer hook,
date: 1965-1970,
comments: an excellent and charming model of a Series IIA Station Wagon,
becoming increasingly more valuable on the collector market
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - 90 HT (#MB16), about 1:64, various paint schemes, late 1980s [-LA].
- Red "County" with white roof.
- Red with white roof and county stripes (1:62) 1987 Matchbox International (Macau) - Leith Howie
- Red with white roof, yellow `Red Valley Camp' lettering (part of recent (as of 1998) `Land Sea and Air' gift set)
- Orange with black tiger stripes and black roof.
- Yellow with white top
- Yellow with black roof, purple and white mountain design on lower body sides and logo "Mountain Trails"; part of Mountain Trails set.
- "Park Ranger" with green and black stripes over rear wheel arches
- "Safari Park" on doors and bonnet.
- Light blue with white roof.
- Dark Blue with white top and "RN / Royal Navy" logo on doors & bonnet.
- White county with white roof. Part of the "Trailers" series, comes with speedboat "Seafire" and trailer.
- Red with white roof and RAF Red Arrows logo. Part of the Red Arrows gift set, comes with Red Arrows plane.
- Medium green with white roof (part of a Europe-only gift set)
- SAS version in white with light blue roof (part of set with bus and airplane)
- KLM version in white with light blue roof (same type of set as SAS)
- Alitalia version in white with light blue roof (same type of set as SAS)
- 110 HT airport patrol vehicle (K-144), about 1:36, about 1987;
Heathrow, also Frankfurt [-LA]
1952 S1 Land-Rover Fire Engine and trailer (YFE02), 1:43, 1994 (see Dinky).
The box says 1948 but the vehicle says 1952 (and the grille does not cover the headlights). This is one of a `models of yesteryear' series on fire engines [-LA].
A new Matchbox variant of the 86" fire tender and trailer initially offered in the fire trucks of yesterday series. This one is yellow in color, with a yellow trailer, and is marked "Londonderry Fire Brigade". Stated issue was limited to 5000 pieces. Other than color and decals, identical to the red one.
- David Wise [8/1996] - #57 Land-Rover Fire Truck (Forward Control Carmichael Conversion),
scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: red with "Kent Fire Brigade" decals,
special features: removable ladder and adjustable suspension!
date: 1966-1970,
comments: a really novel model due to the adjustable suspension
which actually raises and lowers the wheels front and rear, already
pricey on the old toy market
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
- Range Rover fire engine, 1:64, 1980s.
, #57 Carmichael Commando (6-wheeled RR Fire Truck Conversion, based on old 3 door body)
scale: 1/75, colour: white, red, others? special features: light bar on roof, date: 1982-1985? comments: only sold in selected markets; never available in the U.S. except as an import; expensive in U.S. for that reason
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - #K-64 two-door Range Rover.
It is a red fire engine. On the side it says Fire Control.
On the bottom, it says matchbox speedkings, k-64 made in england, 1977
Leslie Products& co. Ltd. Neat things about it are that it has a yellow
fold-down tailgate, a light and horn on the top, and fake controls all over
it. It has really good detail. Its size is a little larger than most
Matchbox cars.
- Rusty Knight [7/1999] - #K-89 Forestry Range Rover (3 door),
scale: approx. 1/43,
colour: yellow,
special features: sold as set with trailer, opening tailgate,
date: late 1970's to very early 1980's,
comments: short production run makes this model rare though
not yet too expensive
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - #K-97 Range Rover Police Car (3 door),
scale: approx. 1/43,
colour: white with police decals,
special features: light bars on roof, opening tailgate,
approx. date: 1982 only,
comments: very rare; introduced just before Lesney went bankrupt
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - Matchbox International Ltd. -- Made in Macau
#K-164 Range Rover (5 door), scale: approx. 1/40, colour: several, special features: opening doors and tailgate, approx. date: mid to late 1980's, comments: also available in police version as #K-165
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - #20 Police Patrol (Range Rover 3 door),
scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: various though usually white with an orange police decal,
special features: a "Rolomatic" model: the revolving beacon on the roof
actually revolves as the RR is pushed along!
approx. date: mid to late 1970's,
comments: a novel Matchbox model with good detail, not terribly
expensive to acquire as yet
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
... and ... decal "ROLAMATICS" (sic) also "Lesney Products & Co Ltd. Made in England c 1976"
- Leith Howie [12/1996] - #66
I was in Toys R Us [23/12/1999] and found a silver Matchbox
Land Rover Freelander (their number 66)
- Robin Craig
(My understanding is that the [full-size cars] will be introduced to the US in the fall of 2000 as model year 2001 vehicles. - Larry Smith [12/1999])
- Range Rover, red, approx 15" loa, for the Barbie Doll
[LA: the gal's got taste]
- Bill Leacock [5/1998]
Mebetoys (Italy).
- #A-42 Land-Rover Ambulance (109 Regular Series IIA),
scale: approx. 1/43,
colour: white,
special features: opening doors (front and rear) and bonnet,
bonnet mounted spare tyre, roof mounted light bar,
approx. date: early to mid 1970's,
comments: also available in civilian versions, good detail
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - #A-67 Land Rover;
scale: 1:50
colour: military green;
with US army on both doors(!)
and on the body is xm 706 commando, a large white star
the body and on the roof.
Spare wheel on the bonnet (missing on mine),
3 holes in the roof (items?).
Inside a chrome steering wheel, yellow interior, green box on floor,
the doors open, rear door lifts upwards,
Land Rover on the front grille.
- James [1998]. - These two also labelled Mattel (1:28) reg no. MI-ZI 9753, metal body,
rest plastic:
- #8581 SIII LWB LHD HT (1:28) with SW roof panel, SW rear door,
SIII greem, cream roof, brown seats, everything opens,
standard LR look except HT side windows are larger.
(Also labelled as Mattel.)
Diff's are on left (!) otherwise good detail.
- Leith Howie [12/1996]
Also available as an ambulance version - BW [9/1998] - #8611, SIII LWB LHD open top (1:28), metallic blue, black seats,
opening front doors and bonnet, folding w-screen, jerry cans, axe,
shovel etc.
(Also labelled as Mattel.)
Diff's are on left (!) otherwise good detail.
- Leith Howie [12/1996]
- #8581 SIII LWB LHD HT (1:28) with SW roof panel, SW rear door,
SIII greem, cream roof, brown seats, everything opens,
standard LR look except HT side windows are larger.
(Also labelled as Mattel.)
Diff's are on left (!) otherwise good detail.
- Leith Howie [12/1996]
Mira (Spain).
#900: 109" 1:64 scale, white ambulance,
quality is poor (wheels set into body)
- David Wise [7/1995].
A model of a 109 Series III Regular Hardtop. The wheels are too small, though otherwise I think it is not a bad model. Also, the front doors open. [BW 3/1997] - 109 HT `Rallye 5', scale:1:64; - Bill Leacock [5/1998]
Model Assemblies (England).
General Description: Another producer of hand-built, die-cast replicas
of Land-Rovers which currently is concentrating on Series vehicles. The
models are scaled at about 1/43. As with
Hart Models, the quality is
high though so is the cost since each model is literally hand-made and
finished. Again, something unique and a worthy addition to anyone's
collection if the cost is not too foreboding.
- Brian Willoughby [6/1997]
Model Power (Hong Kong).
At least one model (i.e. the 1/48 scale Range Rover produced by
Play Art
was repackaged and sold under the "Model Power"
name. Other than the packaging, there is no difference between the models
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
Plastic construction kits.
- S3 88", 1/24 scale, #2279, made in 1981
Box art and decals look like a surfer's wheels.
- Tom Rowe [6/1995]
(Made in England.)
- Land-Rover (86 Series I),
scale: 1:43,
colour: only one I have ever seen was an AA version; yellow,
approx. date: late 1950's?
detail: Royal crest on side, crude red light on roof,
comments: extremely rare and expensive
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
Construction is identical to Benbros down to crude windows and rebted base, may be designed by B' or a copy - David Wise. - #19 Rover 105 Rovermatic (saloon car);
scale: approx 1/64;
colour: green, other?;
construction: diecast;
special features: none;
comments: a charming period model of Auntie,
also available as a fire chief version in red
- Brian Willoughby [1/1998]
Motorific (Canada ?).
This is an alternative name for the models listed above under
Perhaps either Marx or Motorific repackaged one or the other's models under
their own name. I suspect that these should probably be identified as
Motorific since a great deal more models (no additional Land-Rovers,
however) were available under this name as opposed to Marx. Otherwise,
these are the same models as listed above.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
Nacoral (Spain).
Land-Rover Station Wagon (88" Series II), scale: 1:43; colour: various;
approx. date: late 1960's to mid-1970's; special features: opening doors,
comments: rare and hard to find. Be aware that the wheel hubs often
chemically reacted with the tires leaving a nasty
sight and mess for the model to roll about on. If you are not concerned
about originality, one could probably find another donor model which could
contribute its wheels to the cause.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
New-Ray (China).
#44323 Land-Rover Station Wagon (Defender 90), scale: 1/32; colour: green
with white roof or yellow with black roof; approx. date: still in
production; special features: friction motor, opening doors; comments: a
passable model for the money though very toy-like and a shade inaccurate
(it somehow manages to sit too high and too low on its suspension at the
same time!).
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997] - Range Rover (5 door);
scale: 1/72;
colour: various;
construction: moulded plastic;
comments: a cheap generic and crude piece that still manages to be instantly
recognisable as a Range Rover. I have seen several versions though they
are always parts of sets. There is a large farm set that contains them,
however, if you are determined for a pair, try to find the "police"
set which contains two of the models in blue with police logos.
- Brian Willoughby [1/1998]
Norev (France).
- variants:
- Land-Rover Police department (88 Series IIA)
- Land-Rover SWB truck (88 Series IIA)
- Land-Rover Tow Truck (88 Series IIA)
- Land-Rover Safari (88 Series IIA)
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - Land-Rover LWB truck (109 Series IIA Pick-up),
scale: approx. 1/43,
colour: olive drab,
special features: includes trailer, opening doors, and bonnet
mounted spare tyre,
approx. date: late 1960's to early 1970's,
comments: good detail though all plastic construction,
preassembled not kit
- Brian Willoughby [5/1998].
- series one (perhaps), scale 1:25 approx; black and white zebra stripes; monster truck style, logo `wild thing', found in Dun Laoghaire in 1994 - Bill Leacock [5/1998]
- SIII light-weight 1:12(?) dark green (not olive). Is it the same as the Arbois? Side sticker "action man transport command", reg no. 01AM73, moulding on base "Palitoy Leicester England" and "action man by palitoy", inside wheel rim "Palitoy" (not Politoy) - Leith Howie [12/1996]
Pilen (Spain).
- #M-815: Range Rover Fire Chief (3 door),
scale: approx. 1/43,
colour: red,
special features: opening doors, revolving beacon on roof,
approx. date: mid 1970's,
comments: good, detailed casting, decals on doors
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - #549: Range Rover Fire Chief (3 door),
scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: red,
special features: opening doors, revolving beacon on roof,
approx. date: mid 1970's,
comments: good, small casting of early RR
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
Play-Art (Hong Kong).
(See also Model Power.)- Range Rover (3 door),
scale: approx. 1/64,
colour: light green, others?
special features: opening doors,
approx. date: mid 1970's,
comments: distributed in the U.S. by Woolworth's, have not been made in
some time, hard to get these days though worth it since it is a good
model of an early RR, rather high quality considering its origins and
and original price
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. -
#98: Range Rover Fire Vehicle (3-door), Scale: 1/48; colour: red; approx.
date: late 1970's; special features: opening bonnet and doors; comments:
fairly good model of early RR (especially considering its original price).
This should not be confused with the smaller scale RR listed above. It was
also available with a pull-back motor. Both variants (motorised and
non-motorised) are still cheap though not plentiful.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
They offer at least eight 88"s and 109"s,
both 1:43 scale and 1:25 scale.
The larger toys are the most detailed of any manufacturer in the world.
All doors and hoods work.
There is a diecast engine.
The vehicle is complete with winch, shovels and other goodies.
The best one is metallic green w/tan interior.
Model number S49 from about 1977.
The 88"s are many unique colours.
Some have multi-coloured luggage on the roof.
Colours include maroon, ice-blue, gold and red.
Most come in a plastic bubble type window box
- David Wise [7/1995]
- AE.66 Land Rover station wagon (S3 88");
scale: 1/43;
colour: various although typically metallic;
construction: die-cast with plastic;
special features: opening front doors;
date: approx mid to late 1970s;
comments: a nice if somewhat toy-like model that is rather hard to come by
in any condition - often up the US$50 mint-in-the-box.
- Brian Willoughby [1/1998] - #? Range Rover (3 door); scale: 1/43; colour: various; construction: die-cast with plastic; special features: opening front doors; date: mid to late 1970s; comments: as for 1/43 Land Rover. [BW 1/1998]
- 1:43 scale, plastic toy, with missile on trailer.
Sticker on box says `Woolworths .69', late 1960s.
fairly poor quality.
- David Wise [7/1995]
Germany.- Kit: 1/24 scale Range Rover 4 door classic. Kit No. 07373. Lovely model, really well detailed with beautifully moulded rubber tyres on three spoke chrome rims. Separate chassis and running gear. Right hand drive. Recommended. UK price about #20.00. - Paul Hazell [1/1996]
Rico (Spain).
Land-Rover Station Wagon (88" Series II Regular), Scale: approx. 1:40;
colour: red; approx. date: late 1960's; special features?; comments: a
nice, well-made model if you can find it.
Many different versions of the vehicle.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
- Discovery, 1:10, radio control!
It's a 1:10 remote control discovery from ROBBE. It has 4wd, 3 diffs, aluminium chassis, freestyle rims, transparent body. It comes with electric-motor. The rc-sender and so on are not included! The only problem is the price: 399.00 DM. But who knows - it's time to buy Xmas gifts.
- Thorsten email: tklein AT MZDMZA.ZDV.UNI-MAINZ.DE [10/1995]
- #1359 S3 SW fire tender 1:87 plastic [-LA].
- S3 LWB SW, 1:87.
Have just seen latest release from Rocco in 1/87.
It is a S3 109 sw towing a horse box trailer,
retails locally for about 23 all in.
Next releases listed in the catalogue are #1343, 109 ser n/k sw "THW"
in blue, looks like a siren on the hood.
Other coming is # 1721, 109 ser n/k with roof rack towing zodiak on
- Robin Craig [3/1995]
Safir (France).
(See also Champion.)- Land-Rover Safari (109 Regular [Series III?]),
scale: ?,
colour: various,
special features: ?,
approx. date: 1970's?,
comments: rare--all plastic construction
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
Spanish manufacturer "Sanchis", a 1/25 scale plastic Series IIA 88, with a friction motor. Part #277, vintage about 1968. Fairly detailed, but simply made. Box has a great graphic of the LR and several hikers.- David Wise [8/1996]
Scale Carr.
Scale Carr, S.C.P.,
The model is of a Land Rover 109 that I think is a model of an armoured
truck. It is blue in color with a white roof. There is an air
conditioning unit and spare tyre the roof. On the side in big white
letters is the name of the company, ESABE. Also, on the doors is the
company's logo and directly in from of the door is the number 371 in white.
The model is 1/43 scale and is metal. It comes in a yellow cardboard and
plastic box and is made by "Scale Carr" of Barcelona, Spain.
The reference number on the box is RS-011.
I paid 6375 Pesetas(?) which is $40.26_USD.
- Bob Segui [7/1999]
#1341 Range Rover (3-door), scale: 1/55; colours: beige, orange, probably
others; approx. date: late 1970's to mid-1980's; special features:
opening front doors; comments: an outstanding model in all respects. Look
on the baseplate: it lists technical data on the RR like displacement,
horsepower, etc. - novel idea!
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997] - #1626 Range Rover and surf-board 1:55 [LA]
- #1917 Range Rover and horse-box 1:55 [LA]
Solido (France).
- (? #1914 ?) Land-Rover 109" Station Wagon Series III,
scale: 1/43,
colour: various,
special features: bonnet-mounted spare tyre, rear door mounted spare
tyre, opening rear door,
approx. date: still in production,
comments: an outstanding model with some of the best detail work
available, amazingly accurate even down to separate tropical roof
skin riding a few scale inches above the main roof, Army version
includes trailer
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - S3 109 and trailer set (#SOL3134) 1:43, yellow with the 109
labelled `forest patrol' or similar in French
- Jeff Kessler [8/1996] -
#1817: Range Rover `Yesterday' 1:43 scale, 2-door (1987, metallic Green),
opening doors, etc. 24,000Lire
- Bill Caloccia [7/1995]
#1817 Range Rover 1978 (3-door), Scale 1/43; colour: dark metallic green; approx. date: currently in production; special features: opening doors; comments: an outstanding model complete with accurate Rostyle wheels and correct paint detailing (i.e. "the Floating Roof"), though, how could Solido tool the die with the incorrect Morris Marina-style door handles from the later 5-door? Shame on you Solido for messing up such an obvious detail on an otherwise near perfect model!
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997] -
#1927: Racing Range Rover 1984 (3-door), Scale 1/43; colour: light blue;
approx. date: currently in production; special features: opening doors,
blanked-out rear windows; comments: the same model as Solido #1817 except
for the rear windows, supplied with complete decals that you get to enjoy
applying yourself (maybe that explains the reasonable price)
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
Spot On.
British, die-cast models, outstanding detail.
Company was initial competitor of Corgi.
Spot On is usually the most expensive diecast on the market.
Good toys, with box, often exceed $200 U.S.
- David Wise [7/1995].
These models were first produced in Northern
Ireland and later in New Zealand. The outfit was created in 1959 by
Tri-ang to compete against primarily Dinky, and, to a lesser degree, Corgi
(so the listing under "Tri-ang" is redundant and incorrect.) Eventually,
Tri-ang was bought out by Horby in 1967 (owners of Mechanno Ltd., which, in
turn, produced Dinky Toys) and the Spot-on line was discontinued a short
time later since the two die-cast lines were redundant and in direct
competition with one another.
All Spot On models were produced to a scale of 1/42.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
- 109" 1:42 scale, at least 7 variants including:
- fire service truck.
- army truck.
- radio rescue (dark blue).
- #157 Rover 3-litre [P5-saloon]; scale: 1/42; colour: various; special features: outstanding detail; comments: like all SPot-On modesl, very well made and extremely rare today. - BW [9/1998]
Star (China).
- 109 station wagon `Adventure Raider Jeep',
scale 1:32; battery operated remote control,
headlights, steering, engine sound etc.
Mine is red, labelled `round the world hunting tour',
box shows other variants - yellow trans hunting tour
and black/white striped version. Found Belgium 1991
- Bill Leacock [5/1998]
Stavanger (Norway).
- Land-Rover (80 Series I),
scale: approx. 1/43,
colour: various,
special features: moulded-in driver and his dog,
approx. date: 1960's,
comments: moulded of very pliable rubber, makes frequent appearances at
toy shows so it must be fairly common - though that doesn't mean
it's cheap!
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - Land-Rover Pick-up (109 Series II),
scale: approx. 1/43,
colour: various,
special features: has a particularly happy looking chap riding out
back near near the tailgate and a bonnet-mounted spare tyre,
approx. date: late 1960's to mid 1970's,
comments: a quite good representation of this model of L-R,
looks nearly identical to the Corgi Land-Rover 109 Pick-up
of this period, again, moulded in soft, pliable rubber
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
I did manage to get the manufacturer's name off the bottom of one
of those Norwegian models.
They were made by a company called "Stavanger" which I believe is still
in business.
I've seen some model Volvos in a catalog which appear quite similar and can
still be bought.
There is also a persistent rumour concerning a Ser. II 109 Station
Wagon this firm made.
I've not seen one so and I can find no reference to these toys,
so I don't know if it really does exist or not.
- Brian Willoughby [5/1995]
See LKE and Vinyl-Line.
Plastic construction kits.
- Pink Panther, 1/35 scale, 109", #MM176
No release date available, but I think it's still in production
- Tom Rowe [6/1995] - Ambulance Rover 7, 1/35 scale, #MM182
No release date available, but I think it's still in production
- Tom Rowe [6/1995] - Tamiya mini 4wd Range Rover - battery operated and it is 4wd!
Made in Japan of plastic.
- Rebekah Lee [9/1998]
TH (China).
- #115JE, 109" pickup 1Jungle Escort', scale 1:32; - Bill Leacock [5/1998]
TJ Toys.
- 1:32 scale, plastic, friction motor,
white with zebra stripes and blue windows.
I have one from Busch gardens and one with no stickers.
I suspect this was offered as a promotional model
with stickers to suit.
- David Wise [7/1995].
Tomica, also known as Tomy (Japan).
- #54: Range Rover Type (5-door), Scale 1/64; colour: dark metallic blue,
possibly others; approx. date: still in production at last check; special
features: opening front doors; comments: good, small model of first
generation RR, though a bit "chunky"; extremely difficult (and expensive)
to obtain in the U.S. though generally worth it. The odd model name is
apparently due to the fact that Tomica didn't want to pay Rover Group a
licensing fee to use the "Range Rover" name and the "type" makes the model
legally generic. Comes in a delightful little box much like Matchbox
models did years ago. The model is made in China although Tomica is
probably one of Japan's best known toymakers.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997] - #54 Range Rover; scale: 1/64; colour: metallic blue; special features: same as above; comments: a promotional model - the only difference is a logo proclaiming "20th Japan Four Wheel Jamboree" on the bonnet which makes it rarer and more expensive than the standard issue. - BW [9/1998]
Made by Tootsietoy Co., Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Land-Rover (109 Station Wagon Series II/IIA)
scale: approx. 1/64
colour: green?, also red
special features: none
approx. date: late 1960's to early 1970's
comments: a crude model with blanked-offed rear windows,
somewhat rare
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - Land-Rover (88 Series III),
scale: approx. 1/43,
colour: green,
special features: bonnet mounted spare tyre cast onto bonnet,
approx. date: mid 1970's,
comments: a highly free-lanced model which is recognizably an L-R,
though not very accurate
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995]. - Tootsietoy Land-Rover (88 Series III),
scale: approx. 1/32,
colour: green body, black roof, tan interior/base,
special features: bonnet mounted spare tyre moulded in plastic which
protrudes through a hole in the bonnet,
approx. date: mid to late 1980's,
comments: very stylised and inaccurate; note that this is a
"Tootsietoy Land Rover" and not just a Land-Rover!
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
Speedy Racer by Toymark (China)- Land Rover Discovery 5-door; scale 1:32; colour: metallic maroon or dark green; special features: opening front doors and detailed base with moulded drive train; date: 1998; comments: nice model, accurate, rear windows a bit oversize, as are wheels and tyres, reasonable price. A nice complement to Britains Disco' which has its own accuracy problems. - Brian Willoughby [5/1998]
The company was eventually bought by Spot On.
Triang made all tin toys.
I have three different ones, one made in New Zealand.
Scale is about 1:32.
You must look closely to see the lights on the grille as the model is crude.
Price should be modest.
I have one in baby blue with ladders and buckets hanging ona wire saying
highway window cleaners.
- David Wise [7/1995].
The model listed below is in no way related to the "Spot-on" line other than by the fact that they were both produced by Tri-ang.
Land-Rover (86" Series I Open Top), scale?; colour?; material: pressed and
folded sheet metal; approx. date: 1960's; comments: a rare model that is
somewhat crude though not
without merit. A horse box was available for it to drag around though
whether the two always came together I do not know. I saw a rather nice
one for sale for over US$100 a few months ago.
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
Trident (Austria).
- #80168 Land-Rover 109 APC (109 Military Series III), Scale: 1/87; colour: olive drab; approx. date: currently available; comments: an excellent model, however you pay for the fine detail--its retail price is over $20 here in the U.S.
#? Land-Rover 101 Forward Control (101 Military), Scale: 1/87; colour:
olive drab; approx. date: just released; comments: it is certainly nice
to finally see a model of this Landie, especially one as good as this one,
though the price of admission is steep: (I hope everyone is sitting down
because the retail price is over $30 here in the states!)
-Brian Willoughby [3/1997]
Vanguards by Lledo (England).
- VA 19000 and 19001 Rover P4 saloon;
scale: 1/43;
colour: maroon (19000), cream and dark brown (19001);
construction: die-cast;
date: currently in production 1998;
comments: a very charming and high quality piece that is true to scale,
inexpensive and still made in ENgland
- Brian Willoughby [1/1998]
Verem is a house brand of Solido; same casting, very good finish.- #213, S3 LWB SW, green with white tropical roof, labelled `CRS Montagne', and fitted with wheel chains! [LA].
- 109" SW, 1:43 scale, firetruck,
#223, with `Centre de Secours' on sides,
- David Wise [7/1995].
Italy. Plastic ready assembled toy.- S3 LWB SW, 1:18, black chassis, red body, white top,
tows a red caravan.
Reasonably detailed but fairly flimsy [thanks ajm - LA].
This is a most interesting rubber rover!
Made in West Germany from what appears to be the exact mould of the
Stavanger Norway models, with
some minor cosmetic changes.
Don't know who copied whom.
Models is pea green, 1:43 scale.
- David Wise [7/1995].
Also produced in Red Vinyl - BW [9/1998]
Vitesse (Portugal).
- 1960 Land-Rover Series II (88),
scale: 1/43,
colour: various,
special features: when disassembled, model can be converted from
approx. date: early 1990's, may still be available from certain sources,
comments: a very detailed casting which was produced in various
versions: Royal Mail, Royal Army, Civilian, Fire, AA, etc.,
paint is often indifferent to downright bad--a shame, the model
is quite outstanding otherwise
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
Wiking (Germany).
- #100: Land-Rover (88 Regular Series II/IIA),
scale: 1/87,
colour: Limestone or Poppy Red, grey roof,
special features: Limestone version includes a tiny little driver,
blindside roof is removable,
approx. date: still available at last check,
comments: intended for use on model railroads, okay detailing (could be
better), rather expensive for a tiny all-plastic model, later versions
dispense with driver and are moulded in red plastic only,
not Limestone or earlier versions
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
Yat Ming (China).
Range Rover (late 5-door American-specification),
Scale: 1/24;
colour: various;
special features: opening front doors, bonnet and tailgate;
comments: a very nice and accurate-appearing model of a late-production
first generation Range Rover.
NOTE: These models are produced by the
Yat Ming Company and sold under a variety of names. In the U.S.,
current and past Yat Ming models have been and are being marketed under
the name of "Road Tough". In Europe however, Yat Ming products are
sold under various other names.
- Brian Willoughby [6/1997]
Zee International.
- 109", 1:32 scale, plastic, red, friction motor, made in Hong Kong
- David Wise [7'/1995]. - Green 109" with tan plastic tilt, otherwise as posted above. - Larry Smith [1/1996]
Toys of unknown manufacture.
- Plastic 107" late sI pickup with cage over rear bed.
Vehicle is white with black/grey zebra stripes and the cage is green.
Has a green safari man standing in a hole in the roof of the cab.
Came with a bunch of misc. animals.
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn) - "Plastic Toys" topless green 88 sII.
Cheaply made model, possibly made in china?
- Uncle Roger (Sinasohn) - Series I or II 88 SWB green injection plastic. "Made
in Hong Kong" on the base under the seat base area.
Figure that appears to be Chinese or numeral 7 on the
base under the cargo area. Snap in axles. One piece
molded axles and wheels. RHD. No tilt. 2 inches OAL.
Shows fairly good molding detail on the seat backs and
squabs, grill, door handles and hinges, tailgate, and
taillights. Maybe the same as posted by Uncle Roger
- Larry Smith [1/1996] - Hong-Kong:
Series of six different friction motor plastic 109"s, 1:32 scale,
with no manufacturer. Nice mid 60s toys.
Variants include: fire chief, 2 safari models, and `Jacks farm'
- David Wise [7/1995]
These are models which are copies of another manufacturer's models. These models, not surprisingly have no identification upon their castings except their country of origin which was Japan. Below is a listing of known model Land-Rover forgeries. Also included is the original model on which the fraud is based.
- Forgery of Matchbox #12, Land-Rover Series I--Made in Japan
scale: approx. 1/70, colour: green, special features: casting includes yellow-painted driver like authentic Matchbox model, approx. date: late 1950's to early 1960's,
manners in which the forgery can be detected: casting is very heavy and base metal may be lead (it is too heavy for zinc), also wheels are plastic (as opposed to metal ones on genuine article) and too small. - Forgery of Matchbox #12, Land-Rover Series I--Made in Japan
scale: approx. 1/70, colour: light blue, special features: pressed-steel driver in red, approx. date: late 1950's to early 1960's,
manners in which the forgery can be detected: body and base are separate castings, red pressed-steel driver, black-painted metal wheels.
General comments on forgeries: These models are considered worthless by
Matchbox collectors, though afficianados of Japanese toys are driving the
prices of these models up. Interest to us Land-Rover addicts is obvious.
- Brian Willoughby [4/1995].
- Sculpture `Bringing in the churns', S1 80" scale 1:32; expensive numbered limited edition - Bill Leacock [5/1998]
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