Algorithms Glossary
- Acyclic, of a graph, 'having no cycles'; see cycle and DAG.
- Adjacent, as in vertices of a graph, w is adjacent to v if there is an edge <v,w>; see connected.
- Application of a function, e.g., as in: hcf m n.
- Assertion, a true statement about, or a condition of, the state of a program's variables at a certain point in the program.
- Arc of a graph, direct connection between two vertices; see edge.
- Atom, indivisible value especially when the element of a list.
- AVL tree, height balanced binary tree.
- B-tree of order k (not a binary tree!) each internal node can hold k-1 keys and (pointers to) k subtrees; ordered left to right; is height-balanced.
- Binary recursion, where an activation of a subprogram may call the subprogram twice.
- Binary search, to search by successive division into two equal parts.
- Binary search tree, elements in left subtree < root < elements in right subtree & all subtrees also satisfy this condition.
- Binary tree, a tree where each node has 0, 1 or 2 child nodes (subtrees); also see strict binary tree.
- Breadth first traversal of a tree, visit parent then children then grand children etc.
- BWT, Burrows Wheeler Transform, a certain very useful permutation of a string.
- Clique, a subgraph (of an undirected graph) having an edge from each vertex to every other vertex.
- Closed interval [x1,x2] = {x | x1<=x<=x2}; see open interval.
- Collision, when two keys hash to the same value.
- Complete binary tree, a full binary tree where all leaf nodes are at level 'n' or 'n-1', and all gaps, if any, are in level n at the right; also see perfect binary tree.
- Complete undirected graph, one having an edge between each pair of vertices (so it is a clique).
- Completely connected (undirected) graph; see connected graph.
- Complexity, amount of time or space an algorithm uses.
- Composition, f.g, of two functions f and g, (f.g)(x)=f(g x).
- Conjunction, as in p&q&...&r.
- Connected, as in vertices of a graph, vertex w is connected to vertex v if there is a path from v to w.
- Connected, an undirected graph is connected if there is a path from each vertex to every other vertex.
- Cons, constructor of a data type, especially of lists, sometimes infix '.' as in 'h.t' in functional languages.
- Continuation, a routine, c, passed as a parameter to a subroutine, p, to continue on from or to be the last thing that p calls.
- Cycle, a path (see path) in a graph where the 1st and last vertices in the path are the same.
- DAG, directed acyclic graph, i.e., no cycles.
- Dense graph, one where |E|~|V|2.
- Dense type, where a large fraction of the set of potential values is in use.
- Digraph, abbreviation for directed graph.
- Directed graph, graph where each edge, <v1,v2>, has a direction, from v1 to v2.
- Disjoint union, S+T, of sets S and T is the set of 'tagged union' elements from S or T.
- Disjunction, as in p or q or ... or r.
- Dynamic programming, a certain problem solving strategy.
- Edge of a graph, direct connection between two vertices, specified by giving the two vertices <v1,v2>; see arc.
- Eigen-value, and Eigen-vector, of a matrix, M, a value, λ, and a vector, v, s.t. Mv=λv.
- Field, a set with operations '+' and '*' where the "usual laws" of (+,-,*,=) hold, e.g., Zp the integers modulo p.
- FIFO, first in first out - queue.
- Fixed-point, of a function, f, a value x such that f(x)=x.
- Full binary tree, where every node has either zero or two children (having one child is not allowed).
- G, giga, 1G = 230 = 10243.
- Gamma (Γ) function, Γ(x+1) generalises factorial(x), and Γx=(x-1)!.
- Graph, <V,E>, a set of vertices V, and a set of edges E.
- Graph Isomorphism Problem.
- Group, a set of elements with an associative binary operation, closed, with an identity and inverses.
- Half open interval, [x1,x2) = {x|x1≤x<x2}, and (x1,x2] = {x|x1<x≤x2}; also see closed, and open interval.
- Hash, to map a sparse index type onto a range of (usually) integers.
- hd, short for head (first element), as in the head of a (linked-) list.
- Head of a list, first element of the list.
- Heap, see section on heap sort.
- Height balanced tree, e.g., AVL-tree, |h(left)-h(right)| <= 1, also for subtrees.
- Iff, if and only if, <=> (⇔).
- Implies, => (⇒), e.g., p=>q, q must be true whenever p is true, equivalent to 'not p or q'.
- Infix operator, e.g., the '+' in x+y.
- Infix traversal of a tree, infix(left); node; infix(right).
- Intersection of two sets, sometimes written S*T, or S∩T, or even S.T, set of elements that are in both S and T.
- Interval of an array, A[i..j] consists of A[i], A[i+1], ..., A[j] if i<=j, and is empty otherwise.
- Interval of the real line - see open interval and closed interval.
- Invariant of loop, a condition true at the start of every iteration; when (if) the loop terminates you have the conjunction of the invariant & the negation of the loop test.
- K, kilo, 1K = 210 = 1024
- Kn, the complete (undirected) graph on n vertices.
- Km,n, the complete (undirected) bipartite graph on m+n vertices.
- Key, unique identifier, number or other identifying attribute of an entity or thing.
- Leaf, a node of a tree having no subtrees (or only empty ones).
- Lexicographical, as in lexicographical order, generalizes alphabetical order, e.g., "abbey"<"able", "a"<"aardvark", "123"<"45", and "001.642 KNU 1:2"<"005.1 K74A"
- LIFO, last in first out - stack.
- Linear recursion, where an activation of a subprogram may call the subprogram once.
- Linear search, to search sequentially, 1st, 2nd, 3rd,....
- List, sequence of linked cells.
- Loop, often as self-loop, in a graph, an edge <v,v>, not allowed in some graphs, but allowed, e.g., in finite state automata (FSA).
- Lyndon word, a word (string) that is strictly lexically (alphabetically) less than all of its cyclic rotations.
- M, mega, 1M = 220 = 10242.
- Method, object-oriented speak for subroutine, function or procedure.
- Mutual recursion of x and y, where x refers to y and y to x.
- Nil, special pointer value, empty list.
- Node, vertex of tree or graph.
- Null, (i) adj., empty, (ii) test for the empty or nil list, (iii) the nil pointer in C and its relatives.
- O( ), dominant term or long term behaviour (complexity) of a function; f is O(g) if there exist constants m>=0 and c>0 s.t. |f(n)|<=c*g(n) for all n>=m (see Knuth 1976).
- o( ), f is o(g) if f is O(g) and f is not Θ(g). E.g. x is o(x2).
- Open interval, (x1,x2) = {x | x1<x<x2}; see closed interval.
- Parse, to check grammatical correctness of a sentence.
- Parse tree, a tree showing the grammatical structure of a syntactically correct sentence.
- Partition, of an integer, e.g., 5=4+1=3+2=3+1+1=2+2+1=2+1+1+1=1+1+1+1+1.
- Partition, of a set S, a collection of disjoint subsets of S whose union is S.
- Partition operation, as in quick sort, to divide (all or part of) an array a[0..n-1] into two or more parts a[0..i-1], a[i..j-1], ..., a[k..n-1].
- Path in a graph, a sequence of edges <v1,v2>, <v2,v3>, ..., <vn-1,vn>.
- Perfect binary tree, a complete binary tree where all leaf nodes are at level 'n'.
- Polish notation, prefix operator sequence, after Jan Lukasiewicz [-- Knuth].
- Pop, to remove an element from a stack.
- Postcondition, a condition true after a statement or subprogram is executed.
- Postfix operator, e.g., the + in x y +, also known as reverse Polish.
- Postfix traversal of a tree, postfix(left); postfix(right); node.
- Precondition, necessary condition for statement or subprogram to work correctly.
- Predicate, a test, a condition, a function returning a Boolean result, e.g., 'odd', 'prime'.
- Prefix of a string s[1..n] is any s[1..i], i in [1..n], or in [0..n] if you allow the empty prefix; also see suffix.
- Prefix operator, e.g., the + in + x y.
- Prefix traversal of a tree, node; prefix(left); prefix(right).
- Priority queue, a structure where items can be added with a given priority and the highest-priority element can be (quickly) removed.
- Probe, a strategy to deal with hash collisions.
- Procedure, usually, a subroutine that returns no result.
- Propositional logic.
- Push, to place an element in a stack.
- Quaternions, a generalization of complex numbers useful in 3D-rotations, say.
- Queue, a FIFO data type.
- Random access, to access elements in an unpredictable order.
- Recursion, where a type or a subprogram makes use of its own definition; see recursion.
- Reverse Polish, postfix operator sequence; see Polish notation.
- Routine, a subroutine, function, procedure or method.
- S+T, the (disjoint) union of two sets or types, S and T; see union.
- S×T, the 'product' of sets or types S and T, the set or type of pairs <s,t> such that s in S and t in T.
- S2, short for S×S.
- S* = {}+S+S2+S3+...
- S+ = S+S2+S3+...
- S->T, see ->.
- Search tree, (usually) binary tree with elements ordered left to right.
- Segment of an array - see interval of an array.
- Self-loop, see loop.
- Sequential access, to access elements in some fixed order, e.g., alphabetic, or by position in a data structure.
- Space complexity, amount of space an algorithm uses, and in particular how this varies with the size, or some other property, of the data.
- Spanning tree of a graph G, a subgraph which is a tree, contains all vertices of G; edges form a subset of the edges of G.
- Sparse graph, one where |E| << |V|2.
- Sparse type, where the set of potential values is much bigger than the set of values in actual use, e.g., String.
- Stable, a sorting algorithm is stable if the relative order of two elements with the same key is not changed by the algorithm.
- Stack, a LIFO data type.
- Stirling's approximation -- to log n!.
- Strict binary tree, a binary tree where each node has 0 or 2 (never 1) child nodes (subtrees).
- Strongly connected, a directed graph is s.c. if there is a path from each vertex, v, to every other vertex, w (and hence also a path from w to v).
- Subgraph Isomorphism Problem.
- Subroutine, a function, procedure or method.
- Suffix of a string s[1..n] is any s[i..n], i in [1..n], or in [1..n+1] if you allow the empty suffix; also see suffix tree, and prefix.
- Suffix array, efficiently sorted array of (pointers to) the suffices of a string.
- Suffix tree, holds the sorted suffices of a string.
- Tail of a list, everything but the first element of the list, itself a list; also known as next, rest etc..
- Ties, as in 'break ties arbitrarily', if two or more solutions are optimal then pick one of them arbitrarily.
- Time complexity, amount of time an algorithm takes, and in particular how this varies with the size, or some other property, of the data.
- tl, short for tail, as in the tail of a (linked-) list.
- Traverse, to visit each element, cell or node of a list, tree, graph or other data structure.
- Tree (binary, rooted), either empty or contains two subtrees and usually also an element.
- Tree (unrooted), a connected undirected graph where for any two vertices u and v, there is a unique path from u to v.
- Undirected graph, one where the edges, e.g., (v1,v2), have no sense of direction, (v1,v2) is equivalent to (v2,v1).
- Union of two sets, S∪T, the set of elements that are in S, or in T, or in both S and T; the disjoint union S+T is the set of "tagged" elements from S or from T.
- Vertex, a point in a tree or graph.
- Weighted graph, one where each edge has a cost or weight, i.e., edge-weighted; less commonly, can also have a vertex-weighted graph.
- wff, well formed formula.
- wrt, with respect to.
- Zp, the integers modulo (mod) p, i.e., [0..p-1], is a field if p is a prime number, i.e., the usual laws of (+,-,*,=) hold.
- (x,y), 1. the pair (2-tuple) x and y, 2. see open interval.
- Θ( ), f is Θ(g) if there exist constants m>=0, c>0 and c'>0 such that c*g(n)<=f(n)<=c'*g(n) for all n>=m. NB. If f()>=0 this is equivalent to f is O(g) and f is Ω(g), and to f is O(g) and g is O(f). E.g. x2+7x is Θ(3x2+5). See O( ).
- Ω( ), f is Ω(g) if there exist constants m>=0 and c>0 such that f(n)>=c*g(n) for all n>=m. NB. If g()>=0, this is equivalent to g is O(f). See O( ).
, the size of x, absolute value of x, length of x (string, etc.), number of elements in x (array, set, etc.).>>
, much bigger than, as in x is much bigger than y,x>>y
, ory<<x
, much less than, as iny<<x
.- {x | P(x)}, set notation, the set of x such that P(x) is true, i.e., the set of x satisfying some condition P, e.g., {x | x:Int & x2<10} = {-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3}.
- { } the empty set, sometimes written φ.
- -> (→),
as in
, a function type (U function(T)
, etc.), e.g.,Int->Int
is the type of all integer functions such asfactorial:Int->Int
. InT->U
, T is the type of the input parameter and U is the type of the output result returned by the function.
- -> (→) is sometimes used for 'q logically follows from p', as in p->q, e.g., in propositional logic.
- => (⇒), as in p=>q, p implies q, or q<=p, q is implied by p, q must be true whenever p is true, equivalent to (not p or q).
- <=> (⇔), as in p<=>q, p iff q, p=>q and q=>p.
- ¬, logical negation, as in ¬p, etc.
- ., dot, various uses: logical conjunction p.q (p&q), multiplication n.log(n), function composition f.g, infix list constructor h.t.
- =, equality in mathematics and many programming languages, as in 2+2=3+1 (== in C and relatives). Also definition, as in x=e, x is defined to be e.
- =, definition, e.g., as in 0! = 1, n! = n*(n-1)!.
- == equality operator in C and relatives; also see =.
- <> not equal (≠) in some programming languages.
- != not equal (≠) in some programming languages.
- >= greater than or equal to (≥), 7>=6 and 7>=7.
- <= less than or equal to (≤), but also 'implied by' (⇐) in logic as in q<=p, i.e., p=>q.
- := assignment operator in many programming languages (= in C and relatives).
- <- (←), assignment operator in some programming languages.
- a0 = 1
- a1 = a
- a-x = 1/ax
- ax+y = ax * ay
- ax y = ax*y = (ax)y
- factorial(n) = n! = n*(n-1)*...*1,
e.g., 4! = 4*3*2*1 = 24;
also see Stirling's approximation.
- logb(x) = y where by=x
- logb(x*y) = logb(x)+logb(y)
- loga(x) = logb(x)/logb(a)
- loga(b) = 1/logb(a)
- logb(1) = 0 for all b
- logb(b) = 1
- log2(0.25) = -2
- log2(0.5) = -1
- log2(1,024) = 10
- log2(1,048,576) = 20
- log10(1,000) = 3
- log10(1,000,000) = 6
- ln(x) = loge(x)
— © L.Allison 1984
- Arithmetic progression, 1+2+...+n = n*(1+n)/2, ∑i=m..n i = (n-m+1)(m+n)/2.
- Geometric progression and series,
1+x+x2+...+xn = (1-xn+1)/(1-x) if x≠1
∑i>=0 xi = 1/(1-x) if |x|<1 - Arithmetic-geometric progression and series,
1+2x+3x2+...+nxn-1 = (1-(n+1)xn+nxn+1)/(1-x)2 if x≠1,
∑i>=1 i*xi-1 = 1/(1-x)2 if |x|<1, e.g., 1+2/2+3/4+4/8+5/16+... = 4, take x=1/2